Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Photo ©2011 Flickr user Creativity103 under CC-BY 2.0


  1. Windows:

    He stares at the window across the room.

    Day in, day out, he watches as the sun rises and sets.

    Day in, day out, he watches as the sky is painted red, then blue, then black, a million colors over and over.

    Day in, day out, he watches as the city comes to life.

    Day in, day out, he watches as the world moves around him.

    Day in, day out, he wishes he could join that world.

    Day in, day out, he wishes he could take part in the hustle and bustle of the city.

    Day in, day, out, he wishes he is a real boy.

    Day in, day out...

  2. Heartbreak

    She always knew this day would come but she didn’t expect it to come this fast. She’d always told herself that things would shape themselves unexpectedly so she should always try and cherish every moment that she spends with him, the love of her life. She thought that he was the one, the one who she was going to one day marry and have kids with, the one who she wanted to grow old with. But she was wrong. Everything that she had ever hoped for shattered the moment she found out the truth about him, what he had been doing behind her back, his secret love affairs.

    She remembered her last encounter with him. The day she caught him in bed with another girl, a girl much prettier than she was, the scoundrel and mistress was what she had called them, and the moment she saw them together, she quickly bolted out of that room as if she had been caught on fire. She wanted to get out of that house so bad but before she could open the door, she could feel his warmth wrapped around her body.

    “I’m so sorry Rose,” he whispered softly in her ear as she heard his voice cracked. “Please let me explain. Forgive me.”

    She felt herself break into a million little pieces as she heard his sweet, soft voice, the voice she once would give up everything just to hear it. It took her all of her strength just to push out of his strong grip and look directly at him. “Explain what? There’s nothing to explain. Apparently you love her so much more than me, and that’s why you cheated on me.”

    “What! Please Rose, listen to what I have to say. I do not love her. It was a momentary infatuation. It didn’t mean anything. I will suffer for my sins if that is the only way to get you back.” He begged her as his eyes filled with tears. “I love you and only you.”

    “Then why did you do it?” she quietly asked him as she watched his kind eyes look mournfully at her. No sound came out of him. For the first time, he couldn’t explain his actions. But she did not care anymore. Overpowered by her sorrow, Rose mumbled a silent goodbye before she slowly turned around and walked out the door, ignoring his cries for her to come back and forgive him. And with that, their relationship was over. There was nothing that could mend it, but for the first time, she finally felt free.
