Friday, November 15, 2013


Photo ©2007 Flickr user nina_suzette under CC-BY 2.0


  1. “Mary, look!” Mary turned her head into the direction that her roommate, Christy, was pointing. All she saw was a carousel, lit up brightly with yellow lights. Dozens of horses impaled by poles happily pranced around in an endless circular motion to the tune of a music box.

    “It’s just a kids’ ride.” Mary deadpanned, rubbing her temples tiredly. It had been a long day in multiple lectures, and the final draft of her essay on Shakespeare’s play, Richard III, was due by midnight. She just wanted to return back to the room she shared with Christy, eat the leftovers from last night’s pasta meal, and continue revising her essay to the last minute.

    “Can we ride it? Please?” Christy begged in that cute Italian accent of hers, clasping her hands together while batting her large, brown, puppy-dog eyes.

    Mary rolled her eyes, trying to resist, though she knew it would be a futile fight. “You’re already twenty-two years old, and you still want to go on such a boring ride?”

    “It’s not boring!” Christy objected. “It’s a horse!”

    ‘A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse!’ The quote came unbidden to Mary’s mind. She shook her head to clear her thoughts. That play was on her mind way too much these days. Grimacing slightly, Mary sighed and said, “Fine. But only one ride. Then we go straight home. Got it?”

    “Thanks, Mary! It’s my treat!” Laughing, Christy picked up Mary’s hand like it was the most natural thing in the world, and led her along. Mary tried to hide her growing smile and blush at Christy’s happy expression and at the firm grip Christy had on her hand, but Christy’s laugh was just too infectious. Christy paid the man at the entrance a total of two pound sterling for both of them, and in a flash, Mary found herself straddling a ceramic horse, with Christy on the horse next to her, flashing a smile as bright as the stars.

    “This is going to be so much fun!” Christy grinned, bouncing excitedly in her seat.

    “You’d think they didn’t have carousels in Italy, the way you’re going on about them.” Mary said jokingly, laughing slightly at Christy’s enthusiasm.

    Christy’s eyes softened, and she suddenly felt very far away. “It’s always been my childhood dream to someday be whisked away by a gallant prince on a noble steed.”

    Mary suddenly felt a lump in her throat. She rubbed her chest briskly, trying to get rid of the heavy feeling. A dream prince, was it? Perhaps Mary was reading too much into the situation, or perhaps Mary had been wrong the whole time. Was it a hopeless crush after all? Her thoughts weren’t making sense. Mary decided she was just tired, and turned to give Christy an answer, when she realized Christy had disappeared.

    “What?” The exclamation was barely out of her mouth when Christy reappeared suddenly in front of her, moving with an inhuman grace and speed.

    “Didn’t you have a dream like that when you were a little girl, love?” Christy smirked, speaking in a sexy British accent several pitches lower than her normal voice. Mary blinked rapidly. That certainly wasn’t Christy’s customary Italian accent.

    Regaining her bearings, Mary scowled into Christy’s face. “Goddammit Kelly, you know I hate it when you do that!” Kelly was a devil who decided he liked possessing Christy’s body, and no matter what Mary did to him, refused to leave. At least he and Mary had come to an agreement that no harm should come to Christy’s body anymore, after he had spent the first few months of inhabiting Christy’s body basically sucking all the life force out of her.

    “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever been on a carousel.” Kelly looked out at the view slowly whirling around them, making Christy’s eyes gleam an almost black, a stark contrast from her usual warm brown. “I think the closest thing to riding on horses in a circle I’ve done was around the time of the Crusades. Knights threw balls to each other while riding their horses around in a circle.”

  2. “Well, if you’ll get back on the horse, you can complete your experience, and give Christy back her body.” Mary said rather nastily. She was tired, and on edge, and had no patience for Kelly’s flashbacks to the times when he was a powerful devil with no need to possess human beings.

    “I want to ride with you.” Kelly pushed Mary backward on the seat and squeezed Christy’s small, compact body in between Mary and the horse’s pole so that both of them were perched precariously on the horse’s saddle.

    “Are you crazy, you damn devil?” Mary tried to resist. “You’ll make us both fall off!”

    “Didn’t you want to be the prince on the noble steed?” Kelly turned with a sultry smile on Christy’s face. Mary blushed at the close proximity, but reminded herself that it wasn’t Christy inside making those expressions.

    “Go back to Christy’s horse.” Mary muttered, turning her head away. “She’ll be confused if she’s not on there when she comes back.”

    “Don’t you want me to stay, though?” Kelly smiled seductively, turning Christy’s head to follow Mary’s line of vision. “Isn’t this what you wanted?”

    “You’re not Christy.” Mary said sadly, unconsciously bringing her hand up to tenderly push a piece of hair out of Christy’s eyes. “Christy would never do this.” Catching herself, Mary yanked her hand away and clenched it into a fist. “Go back, Kelly.”

    Kelly paused for a moment, taking in Mary’s normally tall, confident figure now hunched over in tiredness. He shrugged with Christy’s small shoulders. “Suit yourself. I won’t stick around anymore today then.” He slipped back onto Christy’s horse just as the carousel ride ended, and within seconds, Christy was blinking her eyes confusedly.

    “Is the ride already over?” Christy asked in her Italian accent. Mary smiled, relieved that Christy was finally back. “Why can’t I remember anything at all?” Christy looked extremely disappointed. “Why was the ride so fast?”

    “Do you want to ride it again then?” Mary was surprised at herself, at how easily the suggestion slipped from her lips. The smile she anticipated spread over Christy’s face in mere seconds.

    “I knew you’d like it!” Christy crowed in triumph. “Wait right here!” She slipped down from her horse to go pay the man at the gate two more pound sterling for another ride.

    Yes, I do like it, Mary thought, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. I like it because it makes you smile.

  3. The Merry Men in Her Life

    The first time she went on a merry-go-round, it was her birthday. She was so excited to be turning 6, finally a big girl, old enough to ride on the big, white metal horse all by herself. Of course, her daddy was right beside on a big metal horse of his own so she wasn't scared at all, even if the new ride made her all dizzy.

    The second time she went on a merry-go-round, it was with her baby brother. He had just turned 6 so it was her turn to show him the cool attraction that every kid wants to go on. It was her turn to share with him the ride that she’d loved. Her turn to share with her baby brother the ride with the shiny painted horses, going round and round to tunes that were so lame now that she was 12.

    The third time she went on a merry-go-round, she was so nervous with butterflies fluttering in her stomach. It was her first date, and she liked him quite a bit. She felt like a princess on her noble white steed with her prince right beside her. She couldn't stop smiling the entire time, even if inside, she was secretly praying that her hands weren't too sweaty.

    The fourth time she went on a merry-go-round, she thought she would burst with happiness. He had just proposed to her, her Prince Charming on his own noble steed beside her. The twinkling lights and the whistling tune of the ride only made the moment felt more magical.

    The fifth time she went on a merry-go-round, her son was 4 and he wanted to ride on the big circling horsey all by himself. She was worried at first that he might fall off, but he told her he was a big boy now. Instead, she sat in one of the flowery benches with her husband by her side throughout the ride; ready at a moment’s notice to run to his horse in front of her if her baby even came close to tumbling off.

    The sixth time she went on a merry-go-round, she couldn't ride on one of the metal horses even if she’d tried. She was with her first grandson, and even though her entire body ached when she woke up that morning, she was happy she came. He had just turned 5, and she found him absolutely adorable. She was content to sit in one of the flowery benches on the ride and watch him all day.

    Her father passed away years ago. Her brother moved to Austria, and she only saw him every Christmas. Her husband, too, had been laid to rest a decade ago. Her son lived out-of-state and only came to visit her once a month. Her grandson was off studying in Paris and building a life of his own. They might all have left her in some ways, but she was never alone. Every time she passed a merry-go-round, she remembered the good memories she had with all the men who held a piece of her heart. She was happy and content with her lot in life.

    She went to meet her husband that night and found him waiting with open arms. She greeted her father again after decades of separation. She watched from above as her baby brother held his own grandson in his arms. She watched from above as her precious baby boy turned in for the night, safe and sound and happy. She watched from above as her adorable grandson began the new day with a smile on his face. She watched from above as the carousel went round and round.
