Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Hello everyone and welcome to my blog.  I created this place so that anyone can come and write stories based on what they see in the pictures I posted.  The stories can be about anything the writers want, but I do have to set some guidelines:

1.    Please don’t insult other people’s work.  Everyone should be able to express their own ideas without being made fun of or harshly criticize. 

2.   It is also encouraged that if you could, do comment on someone else’s post, whether it be some constructive criticisms or just a “Great job! Thanks for sharing.”  An open dialogue is encouraged.

3.   Violence should be kept to a minimum.  There can be some violence, but please keep it to a point where people can actually still read the story without feeling disturbed or unable to fully read the story. (For instance, if you are writing about someone being hurt in some way, please don’t describe the scene with that person’s blood squirting out or his/her intestines falling out of his/her bodies or his/her skin falling apart.  It’s really disgusting and no one wants to read about it.)

4.   If you want to write a comment or an analysis of the picture instead of a story that is fine as well.

5.    If there is a problem with any of the stories or comments, please tell me immediately and I will try my best to fix it.

6.    If there are any pictures you want to share, you can always message me. But please only send me appropriate pictures.

7.   When you leave a comment, analysis, or story, please also leave some sort or username or identification post so that credit can be given to you for your ideas and thoughts. 

That’s kind of all the rules I have for the moment, but if there are something you want to include please tell me. I want all of you to feel welcome here and that all of your opinions matter to me.  So if any of you just want to talk to me, I am always here and ready to help and listen to whatever you have to say, whether it’s public or private  Also, I will be posting new pictures up every month so please come and check it out.  Thanks!

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