Friday, November 15, 2013


Photo ©2006 Flickr user pedrosimoes7 under CC-BY 2.0


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    1. Edited: A Chance Meeting

      He first saw her on a Monday. It was rush hour and the subway was as crowded as usual. He barely registered the sweet smell of cherry blossom brushing up against him to his left and a flash of blonde before he had to rush off to work.

      It was the memorable scent of the sweet floral that had him glancing her way the following morning. She was a vision in pink with a light rose-colored blouse and a dark burgundy pencil skirt. She was undoubtedly the most beautiful sight that he had ever had the fortune to set his eyes upon. Rays of the morning sunlight danced above her, weaving a golden halo that only enhanced her radiant curls, even as they sat in a tight coil above her head. A few gold strands managed to escape their confine and trailed down the side of her delicate face, catching on the edge of the purple glasses that framed her visage quite nicely. From behind her spectacles, he could make out dazzling sapphire eyes that sparkled as they focused on the tablet in her petite hands with nails painted a dark forest green. The corners of her bright fuchsia lips were pulled up in a soft smile that was surprisingly contagious as he felt his own lips moved up into a small smile as well.

      Before he could be any more of a leering creepy, they arrived at his stop and he rushed to get off. In his hurry, he missed a pair of bright blue eyes, following him until the train pulled away from the station.

      It took him three more days before he got the courage take the empty seat beside her. (He was secretly amazed and thankful every morning when he saw her sitting by the windows. He wasn’t going to push his luck. The universe only offered you so many chances after all.) He turned to her with a light smile, ready to make conversation this time instead of just sneaking glances at her, and found bright eyes focused on him.

      “H-hi,” he breathed. “ probably don’t know me, but I’m Oliver.”

      Bright eyes blinked before they crinkled into a smile. “Oh, I know who you are.” Her eyes widened, as if startled by what she had just said. “I mean, I don’t know know who you are --- I’m an IT specialist, you see,” explained his mystery blonde as she nervously gestured her hands about. “I..I..ahh.. used my tech skills to kind of did a check on you. I mean, you’ve been staring at me since Tuesday, and I wanted to make sure you weren’t a serial killer or anything.” Her eyes widened even more as she began to backtrack. “Not that I think you’re a serial killer or anything! Or that you look like one! You actually look kind of cute with your rugged scruffs and kind eyes.”

      His smile broadened and his brows rose in amusement as she continued her babble, her words slurring a bit in her nervousness and embarrassment. “That makes me sounds like a stalker, which I’m not! ..3...2...1 Can we pretend that I haven’t said anything since you introduced yourself?” Sticking out a hand between them, she added, “Nice to meet you, Oliver. I’m Felicity.”

      Letting out a chuckle, Oliver took her hand in his. It was as soft and smooth as he thought it would be. Her nails were painted a dark purple this time, he noted, before he let go with a lingering touch. “Hi, Felicity,” he murmured. “My stop is about to approach, but I was wondering if you would be interested in coffee or lunch tomorrow with me.”

      “Lunch sounds good,” she beamed. They traded numbers before Oliver hurried off to work.

      Their first date was on a Saturday, and the rest was history. Or rather, the beginning of a new chapter in both of their lives.
