Thursday, January 2, 2014

Wrapping Presents

Photo ©2011 Flickr user Freddie boy under CC-BY 2.0

1 comment:

  1. New Hope

    Thalia does not enjoy her job. She finds it tolerable at best. But it's especially worst during the holidays when she has to wrap gifts that people buy for their loved ones. It just reminds her that she doesn't have anyone. No one to love or who loves her enough to spend the holiday season and exchange gifts with.

    In and out of the foster system since as long as she can remember, Thalia doesn't have parents or siblings who would surprise her with presents on Christmas morning. And none of her foster "parents" ever cared enough to either. Although, she does remember a couple when she was nine that she'd stayed with for a wonderful six months. They had made her feel loved and wanted. She had even heard whispers of adoption for a while whenever she was supposed to be asleep. Until one day, it all just stopped. She was back at the center with a string of "sorry, but we can't afford you anymore," and "sorry, but we're having twins soon." That couple was the worst. At least all the other foster homes she had been in were honest with how they felt about her and didn't pretend or give her false hope.

    This year though, Thalia doesn't feel as annoyed or bitter as she finishes wrapping up a board game the lady across from her says is for her son. This year, Thalia hopes she found a kindred spirit in her new roommate Beth. This Christmas, it seems like Thalia finally has someone to exchange gifts with.
